Amazon Order Fulfilment Services

Rather than using this, or fulfilling your orders directly, which can add even more work to your already busy day, more and more Amazon sellers are opting for a fulfilment centre like Bezos to take care of their orders.
How does Amazon fulfilment work?
No matter how many orders you receive, employing Bezos will allow your products to be picked, packed and shipped just as quickly as they would through FBA — but with the added benefit of our top-tier tech that makes fulfilment simple, trackable and cost-effective.
Reciba su inventario
Firstly, you need to ship your items to us. Then, within 48 hours we will check them in and store them until they need to be shipped.
Reparta sus existencias entre nuestros centros
With fulfilment centres all across the UK and EU, our AI-based system helps us split your stock between our facilities in the most effective way, making delivery faster and avoiding customs charges.
Connect Amazon to our system
Our dedicated team will integrate Amazon (and any other platform or marketplace you use to sell) into our system, allowing all your orders to be fulfilled and viewed from one place.
Tramitar sus pedidos
Now, every time an order is placed, it will automatically be received and handled by us. From packing to shipping to returns, we make sure the process operates as efficiently as possible.
Why use Bezos for Amazon fulfilment?
1. No penalties
Our groundbreaking AI helps keep your inventory stocked up and divided correctly among our fulfilment centres. This means your orders are fulfilled as quickly as possible, avoiding any unnecessary costs or penalties from Amazon for delayed delivery.
2. No hidden fees
We pride ourselves on our transparency. Unlike FBA, you can rest assured you know what you’re paying — and why — with no surprise charges. What’s more, we can implement your branding and labelling for no additional cost, allowing your individuality to shine.

3. Sin límites
Whatever you sell — be it the biggest, bulkiest furniture or the most delicate jewellery — we can handle it, from storing it all the way to shipping it safely. When your business grows and you need more stock available at our facilities, we can easily accommodate.
4. Sin complicaciones
Amazon seamlessly integrates with our system, as well as dozens of other marketplaces and platforms. We can fulfil all your orders using one app, streamlining the process and providing fast delivery. Leave the admin to us, so you can focus on scaling up your business.
Otras integraciones de plataformas disponibles
Bezos se integra con más de 30 plataformas y mercados. Estos son solo algunos de los sistemas compatibles:
Canales de venta

